Dear readers, 

We are glad to announce our new EnglishMag magazine!
You can order online the New issue in our VK group!
Read English Magazine (demo version) articles and improve your English with us!


P.S. From now on, English Mag provides articles with parallel translation
(EN–RU) in the text, so that learning English will be as easy and
comfortable as possible! Also, you can find how to pronounce
the words correctly with our Essential English section.

* P.S. Теперь, у нас есть статьи с параллельным переводом (EN – RU) в тексте, так что изучение английского языка будет максимально простым и удобным!

English Magazine Official VK group

EnglishMag - English Magazine - Print and Mobile

EM – EnglishMag – English Magazine

the magazine for English learners and for people learning Russian as a second (foreign) language