Vladimir city and its history // Город Владимир и его история

Vladimir: from the centre to the outskirts // Владимир: от центра до окраин by Ekaterina Nemanova (Vladimir) The city of Vladimir, named after the Grand Prince of Kiev, Baptist of Russia, is an integral part of the Golden Ring of Russia tourist route. Vladimir and its surroundings are widely known for its temples – masterpieces of white-stone architecture of pre-Mongol Russia [Chronicles attribute the foundation of Vladimir to the end of the 10th century or 1108]. * Город Владимир, названный в честь великого князя ...

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Saint Petersburg Blog

Saint Petersburg and its surroundings // Санкт-Петербург и окрестости Saint Petersburg is truly named as the cultural capital and worth seeing city in Russia. But why? Read this travel blog to find out. // Санкт-Петербург действительно назван культурной столицей и достойным внимания городом в России. Но почему? Прочтите этот блог о путешествиях, чтобы узнать это. (English-Russian article with parallel translation  - статья с параллельным англо-русским переводом) Text: Ekaterina Kovalenko, Nikita Myshov Photos: Vlad ...

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“Discover Your Russia” // “Открой свою Россию” – The winners announced // Объявлены победители

2021-12-28 Yesterday, December 27, 2021, the winners of the All-Russian project "Discover Your Russia" were announced at the awards ceremony. // Вчера, 27 декабря 2021, на церемонии награждения были объявлены победители Всероссийского проекта «Открой свою Россию».  The winners were selected by a competition committee chaired by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Chernyshenko. // Победители были выбраны конкурсной комиссией под председательством заместителя председателя правительства России Дмитрия Чернышенко.  The event was held with the ...

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Travel destinations in Russia

“Discover Your Russia” // “Открой свою Россию” – Help develop tourism in your region

Your vote is important — help your region develop domestic* tourism! // Ваш голос важен — помогите своему региону развить внутренний* туризм! The national poll for the author's tour routes, which were presented by the finalists of the All-Russian project "Discover your Russia" - the producers of impressions and their teams, has started. Voting will last from November 8 till November 14 on the website www.zagorizont.me . // Стартует народное голосование за авторские ...

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Кольский полуостр. от группы Харвест

Autumn and Winter songs in Russian and English

The song "North" by music band Harvest and other catchy songs (including Wake Owl) // Песня "Север" музыкальной группы Harvest и другие запоминающиеся песни (включая Wake Owl) Autumn and winter is always a great time to enjoy harvested apples, or make apple pie or bake apples by following delicious recipes. So, Autumn is the time of harvest, isn't it? Also, Autumn and Winter is a great time to drink hot tea by ...

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Russia Za Gorizont

33 “producers of impressions” reached the final to “Discover Your Russia”

33 "PRODUCERS OF IMPRESSIONS" REACHED THE FINAL OF THE ASI PROJECT "DISCOVER YOUR RUSSIA" 33 “ПРОДЮСЕРОВ ВПЕЧАТЛЕНИЙ” ВЫШЛИ В ФИНАЛ ПРОЕКТА АСИ «ОТКРОЙ СВОЮ РОССИЮ»12 August 2021Today, the finalists of the All-Russian competition for the design of conceptual tourist routes in the regions of the Russian Federation "Discover your Russia" were announced. According to the decision of the Competition Commission, they became 33 “producers of impressions” with 66 routes covering all ...

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ASI – Discover Your Russia – infographics

192 touristic routes to Discover your Russia! // 192 турмаршрута, чтобы открыть свою Россию!

192 touristic routes to Discover your Russia! // 192 турмаршрута, чтобы открыть свою Россию! 02.08.2021192 турмаршрута подано на конкурс АСИ (Агентством стратегических инициатив) «ОТКРОЙ СВОЮ РОССИЮ»192 touristic routes were offered to the competition “Discover your Russia” by Agency of Strategic Initiatives (ASI)All-Russian project for the planing of conceptual tourist routes in the regions of the Russian Federation "Discover your Russia"Всероссийский проект по проектированию концептуальных туристических маршрутов «Открой свою Россию»The official online partner of the competition ...

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Russia Travel Blog by John Dougan

Russia Travel Blog from Moscow to Vladivostok Blog by John Dougan and other great bloggers! Read and translate - Читай и переводи John Mark Dougan decided to go on a big endeavour across Russia! Would you like to go by car from Moscow to Vladivostok? For some people, it can be insane, but John was able to go all the way through and back to Moscow from Vladivostok! More than 35,000 km for less ...

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Nizhny Novgorod – 800

Text: James Black Photo: Evgeny Arsentiev Visit Nizhny // visitnizhny.ru There was a time when people called Nizhny Novgorod the third capital of Russia. After Saint Petersburg being the cultural capital and Moscow being the political capital, Nizhny, as we locals call it, was the wallet. The reason behind this was the trade fair, it was even international back in Tsar times, and numerous wealthy merchants that left their mark on Nizhny.Было ...

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St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow


Apart from John Dougan's blog with his trip across Russia, we want to share with you some stories from other interesting bloggers, too! Read this interesting review from Kseniia & Alex, known as theStyleJungle: Помимо блога Джона Дугана и его поездки по России, мы хотим поделиться с вами еще историями от других интересных блогеров! Читайте интересный обзор от Kseniia & Alex, известных как TSJ, theStyleJungle: Red Square is the main square of ...

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