Save or not to save? Apple Orchard – live or dead?

Is it possible to save unique Apple Tree Garden in Voronezh?

The apple orchard was saved, but, unfortunately, only for a short time…
Sergey Shargunov mentioned Apple tree garden in his TV programme 12:
“Not so long ago, we managed to stop the same developer, who encroached on the territory of the apple orchard – the trees were planned to be cut down in order to build high-rise buildings.” but the problem with building massive blocks of flats is rising again.

The problem is that they just want to cut the trees down, and on 14 December 2020 they are making an auction:
Five out of six applications were admitted to the auction for the right to rebuild 52.4 hectares of apple orchards in Voronezh, it follows from the minutes of their consideration by Dom.RF corporation. Only local companies will participate in the auction: two structures of the House-Building Plant – JSC SZ DSK and LLC Montazhnik, LLC Enterprise IP KIT by Ivan Kulikov, LLC Partner Evgeny Khamina and LLC SZ Instep by Anatoly Shmygalev.

It is symbolic that the city might cut down its business card – it is the Voronezh City Garden festival that has been held annually for a long time

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Александр Никитин говорил, что когда поисковым объединением “ДОН” велись раскопки, находили много останков, так как там были сильные бои за Воронеж во время Великой Отечественной Войны (Второй Мировой войны) — почему тогда на этом месте и посадили сады, но ни парка, по примеру парка «Динамо», ни мемориала, ни социального узла даже совсем не собираются построить… вот что говорили в новостях год назад:

Alexander Nikitin, chairman of the Voronezh branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, said that when excavations were carried out in the neighboring area to Apple Orchard, many remains were found, since there were strong battles for Voronezh (World War II) – that’s why gardens were planted in this place, but neither park, like the Dynamo Park, no memorial, no social hub is going to build there … this is what they said in the news a year ago:

[Цитата из
Половину участка отдадут под так называемый «социальный узел» с самой большой школой в стране, почти на три тысячи учеников, а также с библиотекой, детским садом, поликлиникой, бассейном и спортивным комплексом для занятий 42 видами спорта. Строительство начнут уже в 2021 году. ]

[Quote from
Half of the plot will be allocated for the so-called “social hub” with the largest school in the country, for almost three thousand students, as well as a library, kindergarten, clinic, swimming pool and sports complex for 42 sports. Construction will begin in 2021.

Об уникальности яблоневого сада, в начале августа 2020 года, говорила руководитель Департамента природных ресурсов и экологии Воронежской области, Наталья Викторовна Ветер:
“Если не перевернём в сознании людей понимание и отношение к отходам, и, вместо подписей, выйти на улицу, собрать мусор, устроить акцию, а уже после подписываться за защиту сада. И мы возьмём на себя обязательства по сохранению этого ландшафта, не по кабинетам ходить и сохранять, а на природе защищать.
Породы деревьев в саду уникальные, сейчас таких пород уже нет.”

The head of the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Voronezh Region, Natalya Veter, spoke about the uniqueness:
“If we do not change the understanding and attitude towards waste in the minds of people, and, instead of signatures, go out into the street, collect garbage, organize an action, and only after that we sign for the protection of the garden. And we will undertake to preserve this landscape, not by offices walk and preserve, and protect in nature.
The tree species in the garden are unique, now there are no such species. “

С августа 2020 года в Яблоневый сад – Воронежский народный парк было проведено большое количество субботников, а также сейчас есть мешки для сбора мусора, и сейчас сад выглядит намного чище чем год назад.

Since August 2020, Apple Garden – Voronezh National Park! has hosted a large number of community work days (subbotniks), and now there are garbage bags, and now the garden looks much cleaner than a year ago.

Фото Воронежского яблоневого сада с квадракоптера:

Photos from the drone of the Appke Tree Garden:

P.S. Жители города хотят сохранить яблоневый сад и сделать там народный парк с мемориальным комплексом Татьяна Ларина: “Мы категорически против вырубки сада ради строительства жилых домов.”

P.S. Residents of the city want to preserve the apple orchard and make there a national park with a memorial complex Татьяна Ларина: “We are absolutely against cutting down the garden for the sake of building houses.”

Prepared by Vlad Tishchenko

Voronezh Garden City annual festival, which was canceled this year due to virus restrictions:

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