Узнайте журнал EnglishMag лучше с этой новой ознакомительной версией!

English Magazine - 1Q/2021 The magazine has unique* interactive materials accompanying the printed edition. Each article has additional* multimedia content that can be access with QR codes posted on the pages of the magazine. Get to know the magazine with this demo* version! Журнал EnglishMag имеет уникальные* интерактивные материалы, сопровождающие печатное издание. Каждая статья имеет дополнительный* мультимедийный контент, открыть который можно с помощью QR кодов, размещенных на страницах журнала. Узнайте лучше журнал с ...

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EnglishMag workbook 2021

Экзамен IELTS в 2021 (Рабочая тетрадь и сайты для подготовки)

In this workbook, you will find IELTS practice tasks on Writing, Reading, Speaking and Listening. Thanks to Milena Kazemir, who passed IELTS with the highest score in Reading 9.0!  В этой рабочей тетради вы найдете практические задания IELTS по письму, чтению, говорению и аудированию. Спасибо Милене Каземир, которая сдала IELTS с самым высоким баллом по чтению 9.0!  Also, Elina Kiprova is comparing TOEFL vs. IELTS and providing real examples of what you may have in the ...

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Manizha Russia Eurovision 2021

Манижа – «Русская Женщина» – самая популярная песня на Евровидении 2021 (12+ млн просмотров)

"Russian Woman" by Manizha – the most popular song (12+ million views) on Eurovision 2021. Presenting Russia, Manizha has become the one and the only! Her attitude and her persistence to stand up and go is inspiring a lot of people around the world! "Manizha – Russian Woman". You can listen and read the text of the lyrics simultaneously // "Манижа – Русская Женщина". Можно слушать и читать текст одновременноПоле поле ...

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Блог по России от Джона Дугана

Russia Travel Blog from Moscow to Vladivostok Blog by John Dougan and other great bloggers! Read and translate - Читай и переводи John Mark Dougan decided to go on a big endeavour across Russia! Would you like to go by car from Moscow to Vladivostok? For some people, it can be insane, but John was able to go all the way through and back to Moscow from Vladivostok! More than 35,000 km for less ...

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Блог путешественника про Башкирию и Бурятию

John Dougan: [1] This Republic of Bashkiria – cute little place that we coming on. So, glad that you, guys, can be here to join me. See this fascinating little tiny village just around the hills. Literally we are in the middle of nowhere, we are about 100 kilometers north of border Kazakhstan and I mean really nothing else around. It’s gonna be a long road, long time.Эта Республика Башкирия – ...

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PRO.Business — не только про бизнес

PRO.Business is not only about business // PRO.Business - это не только про бизнес Friends, we would like to introduce you to the projects of the “PRO” Group of Companies We would like to tell you in more detail about the projects of the  “PRO” Group of Companies, using suitable Latin sayings. As the ancient Romans said:  De gustibus non est disputandum —  There is no dispute about tastes. Let’s get started.Друзья, хотелось ...

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Выпуск 1Q/2021 — Editorial // Редакторская колонка

How to live in 2021 // Как жить в 2021 году Editorial  “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps". – Proverbs 16:9 EN - RU: “Мы можем строить свои планы, но Бог определяет наши шаги". – Притчи 16:9 Влад Тищенко, главный редактор English MagazineThe previous year was very difficult for many of us... And this quote said by one of the wisest men on Earth centuries ago is absolutely right and these ...

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St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow

MOSCOW: Детальный тур гид по Москве

Apart from John Dougan's blog with his trip across Russia, we want to share with you some stories from other interesting bloggers, too! Read this interesting review from Kseniia & Alex, known as theStyleJungle: Помимо блога Джона Дугана и его поездки по России, мы хотим поделиться с вами еще историями от других интересных блогеров! Читайте интересный обзор от Kseniia & Alex, известных как TSJ, theStyleJungle: Red Square is the main square of ...

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Nizhny Novgorod

Text: James Black Photo: Evgeny Arsentiev Visit Nizhny // visitnizhny.ru There was a time when people called Nizhny Novgorod the third capital of Russia. After Saint Petersburg being the cultural capital and Moscow being the political capital, Nizhny, as we locals call it, was the wallet. The reason behind this was the trade fair, it was even international back in Tsar times, and numerous wealthy merchants that left their mark on Nizhny.Было ...

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