7 alternatives for the Russian sites and apps you probably haven’t heard of

The Internet is undoubtedly an invaluable gift we could ever get thanks to the human beings revolution. It made our life much easier and yet made us puzzled: the enormous array of information we have to deal with leads us to a complete misunderstanding of our needs. That is the reason why we should separate the wheat from the chaff and use only reliable digital sources. Without further ado, let’s ...

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Derek Distenfield - GSD mastermind

The man who knows how to work with start-ups

We recently had the opportunity to interview Derek Distenfield, COO of GSD Venture Studios, that establishes partnerships with top tech talent across the globe. Unlike traditional investors, they take senior operational roles in these companies, capitalizing on their trusted reputation, experiences, and network to drive explosive growth. At GSD, Derek is the operational mastermind who brings a variety of resources together to best serve each portfolio company. EN - RU translation ...

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Voronezh marathon

The largest annual sports event in the city: on August 30, 2020, the ninth race of «Voronezh Marathon» project took place on the Admiralteyskaya Square And EnglishMag team were able to have an interview with the organiser of the event, Roman Kubanev.Самое масштабное ежегодное спортивное событие города: 30 августа 2020 года на Адмиралтейской площади состоялся девятый забег в рамках проекта «Воронежский Марафон»‍ А команда EnglishMag смогла взять интервью у организатора ...

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Keep safe — be brave!

Is our life constantly safe1? Have you ever been in the situations when your own life or your friends’ life is in danger? It’s an undeniable fact there are a lot of circumstances when we need EMS (emergency medical services). We also know that the unique number for emergency calls is 103 or 911. Otherwise we should assess the situation4 before it comes. So we figure out what is going ...

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How to Improve your Sleep

Treat getting enough sleep as if it is as important as taking medicine. With all the demands on our time every day, you might put a good night’s rest at the bottom of your priority list. But Dr. Drerup says we need to schedule adequate time for sleep: “It’s very easy to stay up late and burn the candle at both ends,” she says. However, when you do that, you quickly ...

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Мы вместе 36

Всероссийская акция All-Russian action

The regional headquarters of the all-Russian action #WeAreTogether for mutual assistance is working again across Russia, including Voronezh. With the support of the Presidential Grants Fund, Volunteer Corpus 36 opened a hotline to help the elderly.Региональные штабы всероссийской акции взаимопомощи #МыВместе возобновили свою работу во многих городах России, в том числе и в Воронеже. При поддержке Фонда президентских грантов Волонтёрский корпус 36 открыл горячую линию для помощи пожилым людям.

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TED x event

TED 5 ways WorkBook

The link that you were waiting for -> https://englishmag.ru/ielts2021/ Заполните пропуски данными словами и проверьте свои ответы по тексту: differences distinguish differencingpattern recognition intention filtersattention same fall short We use some pretty cool techniques to do this. One of them is ……...(сrowd noises) So in a cocktail party like this, if I say, "David, Sara, pay attention" -- some of you just sat up. We recognize patterns to …….. ..noise from signal,and especially our name.   ………...is another technique we ...

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Voronezh TEdx team

Интервью с Иваном Дегтярем, TEDx организатором

8 апреля 2017 года — необычный, даже исторический день для Воронежа. В городе впервые прошел TEDx. 10 спикеров поделились мыслями и выводами о будущем в различных его аспектах. "TEDx в Воронеже пройдёт 8 апреля (2017 года)! А этот пост - о наборе команды и партнеров и приеме заявок от спикеров,” - сообщил Иван Дегтярь в своей странице в соц.сети 18 января 2017 года, выбрав минимальные сроки для проведения такого крупного мероприятия: В прошлом ...

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Daniil Medvedev RIA

Интервью Даниила Медведева после победы в полуфинале над Стефаносом Циципасом — Australian Open 2021

To win the title, Daniil will be playing against 8th time Australian Open champion, Novak Djokovic.Даниил поборется за титул с восьмикратным чемпионом Открытого Чемпионата Австралии, Новиков Джоковичем.Daniil Medvedev and Jim Courier interviewИнтервью Даниила Медведева Джиму КурьеJim Courier   Daniil, Congratulations. You came out of the box very quickly in this match, played nearly flawlessly the first two sets. You had an early break in the third. Then he turned his game on, ...

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