Top12 Websites for all occasions

We offer you 12 sites in Russian and English, where you can get great training! Just invest your time and become a great pro.

Мы предлагаем вам 12 сайтов на русском и английском языках, где вы можете получить отличную подготовку! Просто инвестируйте свое время и станьте отличным профессионалом.

Online courses


Two prestigious universities — Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of technology — have teamed up to offer courses in different fields of study without entrance exams and often for free. It is quite easy to choose a course to your liking — for example, to be trained in the music industry. Of course, if English is not a problem for you.



Udemy is an online learning platform, and you can be both a learner and a teacher. Udemy offers a large number of courses in such applied areas as design, programming, web development. Among the teachers you can find Mark Zuckerberg and other giants of the IT industry.


This English-language project collaborates with universities that publish and deliver courses in various fields of knowledge in the system. Students not only take courses, but also communicate with fellow students, do tests and take exams directly on the Coursera website.


Expanding horizons TED

TED (“technology”, “entertainment”, “design” or “science”, “art”, “culture”) is a famous conference where scientists, entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, engineers and others gather and share their ideas.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a library of diverse interactive content. Lessons are small, lasting from 5 to 15 minutes. They are devoted to a variety of subjects, topics and disciplines. Everything is built from simple to complex, literally from the example of “twice two-four” to the University course of higher mathematics.


Snapguide is thousands of instructions on how to do something with your own hands. Each instruction contains not just a description, but has a number of pictures, which step by step tells what and how to do. If something is unclear, you can always ask to explain in the comments.

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